The format created with Geberit #GeberittiamoLive – Live with you – aired from their Gaeta Training Center. what is it all about? Of live events, webinars with the purpose of meeting their customers and conveying their enthusiasm for new products and services.

The format of the episodes involved two speakers moving through 3 sets: 2 virtual and one real. The 36 webinars were divided into Technical Area and Aesthetics Area for a total of 36 hours of live coverage where, in the company of their consultants, members were able to discover technical and design solutions, have product insights, be updated on product and system innovations, and have a dedicated Q&A session at the conclusion.

Thirty-four speakers took turns on stage, chosen according to different business areas so they could reach their customers more directly. The speakers could count on the support of 5 moderators constantly present in LiveChat who handled 1730 requests.

The webinars were attended by 1848 subscribers with a total of 25,000 views. We were behind the scenes with 6 technical staff, a director to handle 13 audio and video inputs and 9 4k cameras.